Since the show premiered on June 17, Malakai Black and his House of Black stablemates — Julia Hart, Buddy Matthews, and Brody King — have made “AEW Collision” their new home. However, while AEW has yet to implement a brand split that assigns its performers to a specific show, it appears that Black will be exclusive to “Collision” moving forward.
During an interview with Bobby Fish on “The Undisputed Podcast,” Black confirmed that he’ll only be working on “Collision” for the foreseeable future. However, the AEW World Trios Champion has a perfectly valid reason for wanting to be on the Saturday show as opposed to “AEW Dynamite” or “AEW Rampage.”
“I requested to be strictly on Collision. Because I don’t want people to get the pick, it’s like, no, Saturday night I get to see The House of Black, that’s what I wanted. Because if I give you the option for Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, you’re going to go, ‘It doesn’t really matter.'”
In recent weeks, Black and his teammates have been feuding with Andrade El Idolo, who returned to AEW on the debut episode of “Collision.” As of this writing, the heel faction is in possession of El Idolo’s mask and he wants to retrieve it from their clutches. All of the signs point toward Black and El Idolo colliding in the near future, but the former has yet to actually compete in a full match since moving to “Collision.”
If you use any quotes from this podcast, please credit “The Undisputed Podcast” with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.