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My Strategy Cheat Sheet

There are so many ways that golfers can improve without ever going to the range, gym, or taking a lesson. Better understanding and decision making is the low hanging fruit for improved performance and scoring. As a result I came up with my five part, strategy cheat...

Setup Stance and Takeaway are Critical (#3 Minor Changes to Improve Your Game)

Setup Stance and Takeaway are Critical (#3 Minor Changes to Improve Your Game) This is the third in a Series of simple adjustments that you should explore to improve your game. Your swing thoughts need to be embedded deep in your brain so that you don’t hash them out...

COBRA at 50: An OEM at the Crossroads

It’s hard to think of COBRA as 50 years old. After all, if you were alive in 1973, it’s hard to really wrap your head around the fact that it was 50 years ago. Australian émigré Tom Crow launched COBRA Golf in San Diego in ’73 and, according to...

From the Masters to the Ryder Cup: Golf’s Elite Events That Draw in Bettors – Golf News

Golf’s top events have a strong attraction for golf enthusiasts and bettors. The Masters and the Ryder Cup are highly respected tournaments representing the sport’s pinnacle. These prestigious events highlight the world’s best golfers’ incredible skills, strategic brilliance, and raw talent. Before diving into the details of these...

Investigating the bizarre link between golf and the greatest NBA shooters in history

Baxter Holmes, ESPN Senior WriterJun 29, 2023, 08:00 AM ETCloseBaxter Holmes (@Baxter) is a senior writer for ESPN Digital and Print, focusing on the NBA. He has covered the Lakers, the Celtics and previously worked for The Boston Globe and Los Angeles Times.ONE MORNING IN the winter of...