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Digital Content Creator post to promote our sport and help YPF

Post date:



Tuesday 4th February 2025

Athletics Trust Scotland Young People’s Forum (ATS YPF) receive Young Start Award from the National Lottery Community Fund 

Job vacancy: Digital Content Creator and Marketing Officers (20 hours per week post)

We are delighted to announce that we have received a Young Start award from The National Lottery Community Fund.

Young Start fund organisations to deliver work that achieves at least one of the following three outcomes:

  • Children and young people have better physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Children and young people have better connections with the wider community
  • Children and young people get access to new skills and training opportunities which will help them get a new job or start a business

The funding will be used to employ a part-time Digital Content Creator and Marketing Officer to work alongside the ATS YPF.

Our successful applicant will be tasked with creating engaging and innovative digital content and resources that supports the aims of the Forum via social media and other marketing material.

The ATS YPF is a voluntary group led by scottishathletics to give young people a voice in athletics.

This post will bring to life the aims of the ATS YPF which are:

  • Athlete Health
  • Retaining Young People in Sport
  • Inclusion    

Members of the ATS Young People’s Forum at a recent event 

The Digital Content Creator and Marketing Officer will create and deliver campaigns and marketing material by:

  • Using social media platforms to increase awareness of the aims of the Forum and highlight positive stories
  • Bringing a youthful approach to marketing and digital communications for young people in the sport
  • Producing promotional material
  • Writing articles on the work of the ATS YPF

Overall, this project will:

  • Highlight benefits of sport for mental/physical/emotional wellbeing for young people
  • Increase awareness of topics affecting young people in sport
  • Promote and increase awareness of the role of the ATS YPF to the wider community
  • Increase knowledge of athlete health and signposting for support
  • Increase knowledge of the various roles within sport (voluntary and paid)
  • Increase awareness of ED&I in sport and help understand the barriers to participation.

The ATS YPF is made up of 15 young people aged 14-21 years, and six mentors aged 18-23. Many of the Forum members have personal, lived experience with mental health, eating disorders, iron deficiency and disability inclusion and are keen to raise awareness.

This new post will help the group reach a wider audience. The young people on the Forum will co-lead on this project with support from scottishathletics staff and the Digital Content Creator and Marketing Officer.

Members of the Forum will also receive training which they can take back to their clubs and get involved with their club’s social media.

Colin Hutchison, chief executive of scottishathletics (photo by Jamie Simpson)

‘We want to thank the National Lottery Community fund for its support of our Young Start programme,’ said Colin Hutchison, chief executive of scottishathletics.

‘This funding will make a significant impact on the lives of the young people involved and allow us to reach a wider, younger audience which will help participants meet their full potential through physical activity and sport.’

Graeme Jack, Chair of Athletics Trust Scotland, said: ‘This is a game changer for the Athletics Trust Scotland Young People’s Forum.

‘It will enable stronger communication with young people and the wider community and we can’t wait to see the impact on our sport via that bond.’


ATS Young People’s Forum

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