Ron Morrison appointed President (AGM report 2019)
John Rodger is the new President of scottishathletics following our Annual General Meeting online earlier today.
And there are three further significant changes at the top of our Commissions – with these volunteer roles crucial to the on-going delivery of the sport.
*Diane Ramsay is the new Convenor of the Track and Field Commission
*Helen Fallas is the new Convenor of the Hill Running Commission
*Stephen Winter is the new Secretary of the Hill Running Commission
*Alistair Aitchison is the new Convenor of the Officials Commission
We offer our firm congratulations and twarm hanks to John, Diane, Helen, Stephen and Alistair for taking on these important roles.
John has already been a significant servant in various roles including leading the Road Running and Cross Country Commission as Convenor and being hugely instrumental in Kilbarchan AAC’s indoor facility project at Linwood. John was handed Honorary Life Membership status this time last year.
Diane represented Scotland at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games in the 4x400m Relay and has since enjoyed a significant new ‘career’ as a volunteer Official – winning our Technical Official of the Year award in 2020 – and team manager with Glasgow Jaguars.
The AGM was one of our best attended in recent years: 32 mandated clubs were online with three more having submitted proxy votes. Around 60 people attended, 50 or so from clubs and Commissions joined by staff members.
A rise in membership fees, to take effect from next April, will be covered in a separate story on here.
Diane Ramsay (photo by Bobby Gavin)
The personnel changes came about after four significant individuals stepped down after making a huge contribution to our sport – individually and collectively.
Those four (and their former roles) are: Ron Morrison (President); Leslie Roy (Track and Field); Hugh Buchanan (Hill Running); Margaret Brown (Officials).
‘I want to express our heartfelt thanks on behalf of the sport to these four volunteers for many years of service to athletics in Scotland,’ said our Chair David Ovens.
It’s impossible to quantify the contribution of Ron, Leslie, Hugh and Margaret in these roles with the Commissions and as President.
‘They brought enthusiasm, passion, knowledge and experience and we as a governing body and as a sport benefited from that.
‘We say thank you and I am absolutely sure that all four will continue to be involved in different capacities or roles or even simply offering wise counsel to their successors and to our Board.’
Our Chair, David Ovens
The AGM rubber-stamped changes in personnel at our Commissions and, as we move forward as a sport, the full list of the individuals involved is listed below (with the club who proposed them):
President: John Rodger (Kilbarchan AAC)
Non-Exec Director: Terry O’Hare (our Board)
Track and Field Commission:
Convenor – Diane Ramsay (VP-Glasgow); Secretary – Lesley Thirkell (Fife AC)
Road Running and Cross Country Commission:
Convenor – Mike Johnston (Cambuslang Harriers); Secretary – Julia McAfee (Helensburgh AAC)
Hill Running Commission:
Convenor – Helen Fallas (Carnethy Hill Running Club); Secretary – Stephen Winter (Shettleston Harriers); Finance Officer – Andy Douglas (Inverclyde AC)
Officials Commission:
Convenor – Alistair Aitchison (Edinburgh AC); Brian Brown (Elgin AAC)
In addition to the Commission roles and the change at the top in terms of President, the AGM were pleased to approve Honorary Life Membership to three key stalwarts.
The 4J Annual Awards Dinner will formally confer the status upon:
*Andy Law (Dundee Hawkhill Harriers)
*Elaine Park (Shetland AAC)
*Joyce Rammell (Nithsdale AC)
Many congratulations to Andy, Elaine and Joyce and thanks to all those who attended our online AGM.
AGM, Hugh Buchanan, John Rodger, Leslie Roy, Margaret Brown, Ron Morrison